
Desktop's & Laptop's Repair


Our Services Desktop's(cpu), Laptop's, Printers

assemble pc

new cpu assembling

GKservices provided new assembled pc's. in I3 , I5 , I7 and gameing pc also.

cpu service

cpu service

we service hp, dell, ibm, lenovo, branded cpu and allinone systems.

cpu ram upgrade

cpu ram upgrade

desktop computers (cpu) ddr-3, ddr-4 ram upgrad available.

cpu graphics card

add graphics card

add new graphics card your assemble and branded desktop computers.

cpu / server smps

cpu / server smps service

hp, ibm, lenovo, dell cpu or server smps service available.

ssd upgrade

ssd upgrade

old computers (cpu) hard disk to ssd upgradation available.

laptop screen

laptop screen replacement

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptop display issue solved.

laptop keyboard

laptop keyboard replacement

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptop keyboard issue solved.

laptop panel

laptop panels replacement

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptop panel issue solved.

laptop motherboard

laptop motherboard

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptop motherboard issue solved.

laptop ram upgrade

laptop ram upgradation

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptop ram upgradation.

laptop hinges

laptop hinges repair

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops hinges replacement.

laptop speakers

laptop speakers repair

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops speakers replacement.

laptop processor fan

laptop processor fan

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops processor fan replacement.

laptop ssd nvme

laptop storage upgrade

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops storage upgradation.

laptop internal battery

laptop battery internal replacement

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops battery replacement.

laptop external battery

laptop battery external replacement

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops external battery available.

laptop wifi card

laptop wifi issue solved

all branded hp, dell, lenovo, ascr, ibm, samsung laptops wifi issue solved.

dotmatrix printer

dotmatrix printers issue solved

all branded's of dotmatrix printers' issue solved.

inkjet printer

inkjet printers issue solved

all branded's of inkjet printers' issue solved.

laserjet printer

laserjet printer issue solved

all branded's of laserjet printers' issue solved.